Nick Blixky は、22Gz や Nas Blixky らを筆頭とするブルックリンのラップグループ The Blixkys (Blixky Gang) に所属するラッパーで、来月にデビュー・ミックステープをリリースする予定だった。警察が銃殺したとの報もあるが、詳細は未だ不明。21歳という若さだった。
They refuse to give him credit for that time. Friday night he was badly beaten while in cuffs, by 7 guards at Big Sandy KY. They struck him in the head repeatedly with a metal object
We just heard from fellow inmates at Max. Penitentiary Big Sandy KY. In regards to @kodakblack treatment. He couldn't call himself as he is not allowed phone or visitation for 6 months as punishment for the incident in Miami, even though that has been the case since September